torsdag, oktober 6

Do You Dare?

I just heard a joke the other day, and I really had to laugh - a bit.
But afterwards, I thought; do I dare?

Here's the joke:

There was a man walking on the top of Grand Canyon. He was really fascinated of the Canyon, and went out on the edge to look down. The sight was amazing.
Suddenly he slipped, and fell, on and on. Luckily he managed to grab a tree growing out of the cliff. And there he was, hanging, all alone. He knew that underneath him, there were nothing but death. His only hope was to hang on to the tree and call for help.
He yelled and yelled, but noone answered. Then he started praying: Dear God, help me! And then he yelled again: Help me! Can somebody hear me?
Then a mighty voice rung through the Canyon: Just let go, I'll catch you. He looked around, and then he understood that it had to be God. Then he looked down, but all he could see, was the ground, far, far down. He knew, that if nobody would catch him, he would die. Again, God told him to let go.

Carefully, the man said: Is there anybody else around?

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Jeg liker den vitsen! (Ler av den hver gang jeg hører den). Den forteller så mye om mennesket. Vi tør ofte bare å stole på Gud når det ikke er noen annen utvei, og det når vi er HELT sikre på at det absolutt ikke finnes noen annen utvei.

Jeg tar dette innlegget til meg som en utfordring i å stole på Gud istedet for å prøve å fikse ting selv.

Silje og Dan sa...

bra folkens!
å tusen takk for at de læse bloggen min!
it gives me strenght to carry on=)

Ine sa...

Hei paa deg, din lille snei!

Tusen takk for koselige kommentar!! Viss du vil lesa om kossen eg he de her i Uniten, gaa t:

Eg savne daakke au! Loeye aa ver uden Luni! Looking forward te aa faa brev!! Eg vil meir enn jedna hoerra kossen d gaar heima i Moderlandet, aa paa Hauen oeve alle Haua :P:P Snakkes!

Knib fraa Ine

Silje og Dan sa...

Du ane kje kor gudd dæ æ å konna sei at breve faktisk æ i postkassen nå, å på vei te dæg!! =)
Kan kje sei dæ æ så altfor langt, men du får jaffal et brev..

håbe du he dæ kjempebra!
Savne dæg vennen.. =(

Glede mæg te du kjæme ijenn!!!!

Klemma frå vimså.. =)